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Transesophageal echocardiography - 123sonography_4 - 123Sonography Echo BachelorClass

Chapter 1

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Acute myocardial infarction

1 Lessons
Chapter 2

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Aortic regurgitation

1 Lessons
Chapter 3

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Aortic disease

1 Lessons
Chapter 4

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Aortic stenosis

1 Lessons
Chapter 5

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Complications of myocardial infarction

1 Lessons
Chapter 6

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Echo in critical care conditions

2 Lessons
Chapter 7

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Fluid management

2 Lessons
Chapter 8

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Heart and infection

1 Lessons
Chapter 9

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Hypertrophy and myocardial disease

1 Lessons
Chapter 10

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Imaging apical views

1 Lessons
Chapter 11

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Imaging parasternal views

1 Lessons
Chapter 12

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Imaging subcostal views

1 Lessons
Chapter 13

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Introduction to imaging

1 Lessons
Chapter 14

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Left ventricular dysfunction

2 Lessons
Chapter 15

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Mitral regurgitation

2 Lessons
Chapter 16

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Mitral stenosis

1 Lessons
Chapter 17

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Pericardial effusion

1 Lessons
Chapter 18

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Prosthetic valves

2 Lessons
Chapter 19

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Right heart and pulmonary hypertension

1 Lessons
Chapter 20

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Starter kit Aortic stenosis

1 Lessons
Chapter 21

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Starter Kit - Left ventricular function

1 Lessons
Chapter 22

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Starter kit Mitral regurgitation

1 Lessons
Chapter 23

123Sonography Echo BachelorClass: Transesophageal echocardiography

4 Lessons